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Texting while driving in Kentucky

Any type of distraction while driving can be dangerous, and sending or reading a text message can distract the driver for a few seconds or longer. This can create a lot of trouble for the other drivers on the road....
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What is product liability?

September 17, 2014
Manufacturers, wholesalers and owners of retail stores are reasonably expected to provide safe products that do not harm consumers. When products bought or borrowed injure people in Kentucky due to defects, the people who sold or made the product could...
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Suing over hip replacements

September 8, 2014
Another round of lawsuits filed against Johnson & Johnson for defective hip implants poisoning many patients may affect Kentucky residents. During 2013, the health care company designated $2.5 billion to account for 8,000 defective units produced under its DePuy subsidiary....
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