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Motorcycle injuries are more common in older riders

As Kentucky residents may know, motorcyclists are more likely than car drivers to suffer injury or death when involved in an auto accident. Nationwide, 4,668 fatal accidents occurred in 2013, and 88,000 motorcyclists were injured. Statistics compiled by the National...
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NTSB releases recommendations for the trucking industry

Following news of a serious truck accident involving comedian Tracy Morgan in 2014, Kentucky drivers may be wary when having to share the highways with large semi-trucks. This feeling of unease is not necessarily unwarranted, as accidents involving trucks kill...
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Statistics on accidents involving large trucks

January 21, 2015
Many Kentucky drivers have come across the aftermath of truck accidents, and some may have been involved in one. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released a comprehensive report on large truck accidents that might be of interest, and...
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Alcohol could be a factor in fatal Kentucky collision

According to Lexington police, a head-on traffic accident caused two fatalities and two injuries. The accident reportedly occurred around 3:15 p.m. on Jan. 14. The vehicles involved were both badly damaged due to the force of impact. During the investigation,...
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Whiplash Injuries Are Common in Car Accidents

January 15, 2015
As Kentucky motorists may know, car accidents, particularly those in which the vehicle is struck from behind, may result in whiplash. Such injuries might injure cervical musculature and may cause damage to ligaments and vertebrae in the cervical spine. Whiplash...
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