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What are signs of head trauma after a car accident?

August 30, 2015
What are signs of head trauma after a car accident? Motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of traumatic brain injury in the United States, but you may not immediately recognize damage from a head injury after an accident....
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Suspicious deaths in nursing homes often go undetected

August 28, 2015
Suspicious deaths in nursing homes often go undetected The number of autopsies performed in the United States has drastically dropped since the 1970s. In Kentucky nursing homes and in elder care facilities across the country, the lack of investigative measures...
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Hit and run accidents take a heavy toll on pedestrians

August 22, 2015
Hit and run accidents take a heavy toll on pedestrians Hit and run crashes killed 884 pedestrians in the United States in 2012, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. While traffic deaths have decreased in Kentucky and across...
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Dangerous toys pose continued health threats despite recalls

August 20, 2015
Dangerous toys pose continued health threats despite recalls Manufacturers and the federal government regularly issue recall notices for dangerous toys and other defective products, but that action does not necessarily take the peril out of playrooms in Kentucky or in...
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How prevalent is distracted driving in Kentucky?

August 13, 2015
With texting and driving, drowsy driving and a drunk driver deciding to get behind the wheel, there are a number of reasons why car crashes continue to take place. In Pikeville, Kentucky, distracted driving is particularly dangerous and it is...
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