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How dangerous are inflatable amusements?

October 29, 2015
Whether customers are not aware of how dangerous a product can be or a negligent manufacturer provides an insufficient warning, there are a number of reasons why people continue to suffer an injury or even lose their life while using...
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Auto accident claims the life of Kentucky driver

October 27, 2015
Whenever a car crash happens, those involved (as well as their families) may experience a variety of devastating setbacks. Sometimes, people who are involved in an auto wreck suffer a debilitating injury that causes unbearable physical pain and requires them to...
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Helping people who have been hurt by a defective product

October 22, 2015
From dangerous children's toys to a defective auto part, there are many types of product liability cases that people bring to court after suffering an injury. In Pikeville, Kentucky, and throughout the United States, consumers who have been hurt by...
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Lending a hand to victims of medical malpractice

October 20, 2015
From wrong-site surgery to a doctor error involving prescription medication, medical professional negligence takes many forms. In Pikeville, and across the state of Kentucky, victims of medical malpractice and their loved ones may have to endure a number of devastating...
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Understanding the risks that balloons pose for young children

October 18, 2015
At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we understand the elements that go into making a safe children’s toy, versus factors that may create a dangerous product. There are many toys available on the market that may seriously injure or kill children....
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