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More tractor trailers to appear on KY roads

December 31, 2015
Tractor trailers are a common sight to people in the Lexington area since two major highways cross paths there. These heavy trucks transport goods to stores and retailers throughout the state and if it appears that more of them are...
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Could my child have been misdiagnosed?

December 29, 2015
As a parent, you only want the best for your child and this includes when you take him or her to a doctor in Pikeville County. You trust that your child’s pediatrician will be able to identify the cause of...
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The commonality of adverse events

December 24, 2015
Adverse events are defined as complications stemming from a product designed to help others. These products can include pharmaceutical drugs or medical devices. Our staff at Gary C. Johnson PSC knows that these events are actually more common than you...
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2 people injured in Carter County truck accident

December 22, 2015
When an accident occurs between a tractor trailer and a passenger vehicle, it is important for law enforcement to determine what caused it. This includes checking the truck for any mechanical issues, conducting tests that measure alcohol or drug in...
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What is product liability?

December 20, 2015
If you have ever been injured by an item you bought before, or lost property to such an item, then you may be forced to take someone to court for damages. In that case, the term “product liability” may arise....
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