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What disqualifications do major trucking offenses earn?

January 29, 2016
Commercial truck drivers in Kentucky are subject to strict rules and regulations. This is because there is a lot at stake when you get behind the wheel: your own safety, the safety of others on the road, and the reputation...
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What are some dangers of knee and leg injuries?

January 27, 2016
If you have been in an accident and suffered from leg or knee damage, don’t make the mistake of downplaying it. Even though these injuries are often seen as less immediately catastrophic than others, we at Gary C. Johnson understand...
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What are the requirements for a commercial learner’s permit?

January 23, 2016
As a commercial truck driver in Kentucky, you will have more responsibility than the average driver, who is not representing a company. Because of this, even the commercial learner’s permit comes with more regulations than a normal learner’s permit.The United...
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Shoulder injuries resulting from accidents

January 21, 2016
Accidents can often result in Kentucky drivers like you suffering from mild to severe injury. Shoulder injuries in particular can be debilitating, and are one of the most common types of injury that come from accidents.Shoulder injuries of any sort...
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What are the statistics for drunk driving accidents in Kentucky?

January 15, 2016
Drunk driving is an issue that plagues many states, and many believe that it requires immediate resolving. Kentucky drivers such as yourself may therefore find it beneficial to keep track of the recent overall trends and statistics.The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet...
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