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Understanding the basics of Kentucky spinal cord injuries

March 31, 2016
When you are involved in a car accident, you may suffer an array of injuries ranging from minor to catastrophic. This includes spinal cord injuries. At the law firm of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we know that suffering an injury...
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Kentucky tractor trailer crash leaves 1 victim dead, 2 injured

March 27, 2016
While Pikeville is a bit more isolated from the Interstate, people still encounter tractor trailers when they travel to larger cities. These big rigs weigh thousands of pounds so it isn’t surprising that the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety states...
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What can cause explosions in the workplace?

March 25, 2016
Employees in Kentucky such as yourself deserve safe work environments. However, it is unfortunately impossible to foresee every potential accident. We at Gary C. Johnson understand that these unpredictable circumstances can sometimes lead to severe accidents, such as explosions.While explosions...
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What injuries do rear-end collisions cause?

March 20, 2016
If you get into a rear-end accident while driving in Kentucky, you may end up injured. In fact, there are certain injuries that are specific to this type of accident, or at least more common. But just what should you...
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What is a misdiagnosis?

When you go into a doctor’s office or hospital in Kentucky, you are putting your well-being in the hands of the medical professionals there. However, even professionals can make mistakes such as misdiagnoses. Here at Gary C. Johnson, we understand...
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