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Work with experienced attorney to recover damages for catastrophic injuries

February 25, 2017
Last time, we began looking at the brain injury litigation currently faced by the football helmet manufacturer Riddell. As we noted, the company has mostly been able to avoid product liability claims in connection with its helmets, but it may...
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Residential construction workers are at risk of injury

As a residential construction worker, such as somebody who builds new homes, you love the fast paced action associated with your job. What you may not love, however, is the potential for injury. Even if you do your best to...
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Football helmet manufacturers face litigation over misrepresentation in advertising

February 16, 2017
In recent years, the issue of head injuries has gained increased public attention, due in part to litigation against the National Football League for failing to properly care for head-injured players while sitting on research highlighting the long-term dangers of...
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Snapchat dodges bullet, secures immunity, in distracted driving case, P.2

Last time, we began discussing a recent court decision in Georgia involving the social media application Snapchat. In that case, a couple had sued the company and a driver who had been using the app's speed filter feature to get...
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Snapchat dodges bullet, secures immunity, in distracted driving case, P.1

All of our readers know that distracted driving is a serious problem across the United States. Various studies have highlighted the dangers of cell phone use and the great number of accidents involving distracted driving due to talking or texting...
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