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This is what you can expect after a car accident

Imagine going for a Sunday drive in the country. The windows are down, there is not a cloud in the sky, and you let the stress of the prior week fade away while you drive down scenic winding roads. What...
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Bicycle accidents and ignoring the rules of the road

Bicycle accidents are, unfortunately, an all too common occurrence, especially in urban areas where cycling is popular. Often, the harm resulting from these accidents is serious, if not fatal. This is particularly true in cases where cyclists are not wearing...
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Weight, width, length violations can provide basis for liability in truck accident cases

In our last post, we mentioned several measures Governor Matt Bevin recently signed into law several measures that will ease trucking weight requirements in an effort to increase business in the state of Kentucky. Truck and other commercial vehicle drivers,...
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Safety is critical when you get your motorcycle out this spring

The trees are budding, the flowers and migratory songbirds are popping out all over Kentucky. Another sure sign of spring is the number of motorcycles on the road. While some enthusiasts will brave colder winter temperatures, a lot of motorcycle...
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When medical treatment goes wrong

Imagine going into the doctor for a relatively routine physical. Things take a turn when you doctor finds something suspicious. After months of undergoing very painful and expensive treatments, you seek a second opinion. The specialist informs you that your...
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