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Does The ‘Seat Belt Defense’ Apply In Kentucky?

It is generally a good idea for the driver and passengers in a motor vehicle to wear their seat belts. These safety features are standard pieces of equipment provided in practically every new vehicle and can be used to limit...
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Iowa Researchers Study Distracted Driving in Older Motorists

July 28, 2018
Teenagers and millennials often get the bulk of the blame for distracted driving here in the United States. It's true that these demographic groups' collective familiarity with all forms of technology makes them more prone to behind-the-wheel distractions from their...
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Living with brain injuries can be costly and difficult

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are catastrophic injuries that can deprive Kentucky residents of their ability to work, their capacity to enjoy life and their capability to care for themselves. Because of these significant losses, many TBI victims must enlist the...
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What not to do after a motor vehicle accident

After a vehicle collision there are some important steps that Kentucky residents should take to ensure that their health and safety is protected as well as to protect themselves from legal liability. However, there are also several things that they...
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Do you know how to effectively avoid the ‘no zones’ near trucks?

July 12, 2018
When you have to drive in close proximity with large commercial trucks, you probably feel acutely aware of the size difference between your vehicle and the truck. You probably try to stay alert and aware of what the truck is...
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