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Thanksgiving can be a treacherous time to be on the roads

Thanksgiving is almost synonymous with travel. It is the official start of the holiday season and many Kentucky residents take to the roads, so that they can spend the day with the people they love. Although most people arrive at...
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School Bus Safety Should Be a Priority

You wouldn't think of allowing your kids to ride in the car without wearing their seat belts. Yet, millions of parents send their kids off each morning on school buses that are unequipped with child restraints of any kind. It's...
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Wrongful death awards paid out based on relationship to decedent

November 20, 2018
When a Kentucky resident dies as a result of the negligence of another party then it is possible that their personal representative may later be able to file a claim for damages based on the victim's wrongful death. In the...
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Lead still found in unsafe products, including hair products

November 13, 2018
When it comes to public safety, lead has been identified as a potentially dangerous metal that can have negative health consequences for those who are exposed to it. Many common items used in American homes used to contain lead. Readers...
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Major holidays increase your risk of a drunk driving crash

November 9, 2018
You may think that your risk for a drunk driving crash is low because you don't get behind the wheel after drinking. However, the people whom you share the road with may not be as responsible as you are. It...
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