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Are UM and UIM coverage the same thing?

Whether you’ve had insurance on your car for decades or are just about to sign your first policy, chances are you’ve asked the question above: are uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage the same thing?

If you have asked this question, don’t feel ashamed. You’re not alone. In many states, these two forms of insurance are covered under one policy. It’s important to know, however, that this isn’t the case here in Kentucky.

Understanding UM & UIM Insurance

As we point out on our insurance information page, uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage are two separate policies that need to be added to your insurance in order to protect you from instances where another driver does not have insurance or not enough to cover the damage to your vehicle or person.

It’s important to note: just because you don’t have UM or UIM insurance doesn’t mean your injuries or vehicle damage will not be covered in the event of an accident. This is because Kentucky law requires all drivers, expect those operating motorcycles, to carry basic personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Regardless of who was at fault for the accident, PIP will cover up to $10,000 per person, per accident to cover injury costs.

The added benefit of having UM and UIM coverage on your policy is that any costs that go above and beyond the initial policy will be covered by either of the added policies.

Getting help with your claim

It’s important to understand that every person’s situation is different. In some cases, an accident victim may need more coverage but did not purchase UM or UIM insurance. In other cases, a driver could have been talked out of their PIP benefits, which can create a complex and frustrating situation after an accident.

Talking to someone knowledgeable in personal injury and insurance law, such as an attorney, is always a good idea after an accident. After all, isn’t it better to understand your rights and protections under the law than to find out too late that you aren’t?