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Gerald J. Pierson

Kentucky personal injury lawyer

Jerry Pierson is from Peoria, Illinois, where he graduated from Bradley University in 1987. He received a master’s degree from the University of Toledo in 1990. Before law school, he taught college history, edited scholarly manuscripts, and worked in social service administration.

At the University of Kentucky College of Law, Jerry wrote onto the Kentucky Law Journal and was later elected managing editor. In that post he redesigned the journal’s typography and publishing workflow. He earned his J.D. in 2006, winning that year’s Oexmann Writing Award.

Before coming to Gary C. Johnson, PSC in 2011, Jerry engaged in insurance defense and medical malpractice work. The Kentucky Supreme Court and Court of Appeals have used his arguments or language in a number of decisions. Based in our Lexington office, Jerry supports our firm’s trial attorneys with legal research and writing.

Jerry has raised three delightful children. Named a Top Writer by the international website Quora, he contributes answers on the topics of American law, history, and books. He also runs the Bibliophage Space, a book discussion forum with over 340,000 followers. In 2020 he and his children established “Pierson’s Free Library” to collect and distribute good used books in Lexington neighborhoods.

  • Bar Admissions
    • Kentucky, 2006
    • U.S. District Court Eastern District of Kentucky
    • U.S. District Court Western District of Kentucky
    • U.S. Court of Appeals 6th Circuit
  • Education
    • University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, Kentucky, J.D. - 2006
    • University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio M.A., Major: American History - 1990
    • Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois B.A., Major: History and Philosophy - 1987
Awards + Memberships