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Auto accident claims the life of Kentucky driver

October 27, 2015

Whenever a car crash happens, those involved (as well as their families) may experience a variety of devastating setbacks. Sometimes, people who are involved in an auto wreck suffer a debilitating injury that causes unbearable physical pain and requires them to miss work. In Pikeville, and throughout Kentucky, many of these accidents also result in the loss of life, which also leaves families with unmanageable emotional pain and other hardships, such as economic disadvantages. After a collision, car accident victims and their loved ones should immediately conduct a thorough assessment of their circumstances.

A deadly auto accident recently transpired at an intersection near Harrodsburg. The crash involved two vehicles, one heading south on US-127 and another traveling on KY-1160. The collision claimed the life of a 63-year-old woman, according to the Mercer County Coroner’s Office.

The name of the other driver involved has not been provided, but officials say that she was taken to the hospital and received treatment for injuries sustained in the crash and has since been released. The woman who passed away in the accident, which took place on a Wednesday morning, was from Versailles.

For some families, moving forward after a tragic auto crash seems impossible. However, it is important for them to hold reckless drivers accountable and address the tragedy appropriately. For example, many families have been able to better cope with the consequences of a car accident by filing a lawsuit. People who are considering this route may want to discuss the crash with an experienced attorney for useful advice.

Source: Kentucky.com, “Versailles woman dies after two-car crash north of Harrodsburg,” Greg Kocher, Oct. 14, 2015