The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that federal measures have been effective at reducing the blood lead level in children. For example, the CPSC limits the amount of lead in a child’s product as well as how much lead...
Read More All motor vehicle drivers across the state of Kentucky and the entire country are required to learn and abide by strict road safety guidelines. Not only is it the responsibility of every motorist to follow traffic signals but also avoid...
Read More By law, motorists in Kentucky are required to carry auto insurance. Unfortunately, too many people allow their coverage to collapse or simply never purchase it. The Insurance Information Institute reports that roughly one in eight drivers in 2012 lacked car...
Read More When medical negligence causes you harm, you have the right to seek damages. Under Kentucky law, any medical malpractice claim must be filed within one year of the injury. You are able to hold both facilities and people accountable when...
Read More When a product causes you harm, you might be curious to know what kind of legal recourse you have. Kentucky’s Product Liability Act states that you can seek damages due to a range of defects, including issues with the following:...
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