I wouldn’t do that. While poison ivy is normally naturally occurring, cultivating poison ivy may be seen as artificially creating a hidden danger on the land. That might make you liable for someone else’s injuries, because you’re as likely to...
Read More There are already difficult barriers for someone injured by a physician’s negligence to succeed in a medical malpractice claim. These lawsuits are perhaps the most involved single-plaintiff tort cases out there. A plaintiff’s lawyer has to track down and acquire...
Read More While changing lanes may seem like a fairly routine thing to do, this simple action can lead to serious accidents. Whether a person is changing lanes at lower speeds on a regular road or higher speeds on a highway, there...
Read More If a person is injured due to the careless or negligent actions of somebody else, they will be dealing with an incredible amount of stress. One of the most important things that a personal injury victim in Lexington, Kentucky needs...
Read More No, a negligent pedestrian could share in the fault for a car-pedestrian accident. The duties of pedestrians are set out in the Kentucky statutes at KRS 189.570. Pedestrians have to obey traffic control devices, use sidewalks and crosswalks when provided,...
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