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Deciding if an IVC filter is right for you

Inferior vena cava filters, or IVCs, are a small tool that is inserted into the inferior vena cava in order to filter the blood and catch potential clots. However, these filters can come with a slew of problems and side...
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What should you do if your car is sinking?

July 22, 2016
If you find yourself driving or falling into a body of water in Kentucky, you have literal seconds to act quickly and get yourself out of this situation. Because of that, you should know exactly what steps you need to...
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How can your IVC filter negatively impact you?

As a Kentucky patient with an inferior vena cava filter, or an IVC, you may benefit from their ability to catch blood clots before they can reach the heart, lungs or brain. However, there are several problems that can occur...
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Steps to recover from a spinal injury

July 14, 2016
Kentucky residents suffering from spinal injuries usually have a long road ahead of them. The right steps need to be taken in order to insure that a full recovery is made, with minimal lasting traumas or complications.Brain Facts states that there...
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How can you identify potential spinal injuries?

July 8, 2016
As a Kentucky resident who has been in a car accident, you may suffer from physical pains or injuries. However, some of these issues could go undetected for some time, or they may be considered less detrimental to your health...
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