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What to do if your airbags have been recalled

March 10, 2016
Certain additions to a car are put into place to keep drivers safe, such as seat belts or airbags. However, there are some unfortunate occurrences where these items are manufactured or installed in a way that makes them defective, upping...
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Dangers parents should look out for when buying kids toys

Dangerous toys are often recalled from the shelves if enough attention is brought to them. However, some remain up for sale even if they pose dangers. Kentucky parents should therefore be aware of potential signs of danger in toys when...
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How can you combat driver’s fatigue?

March 2, 2016
As a Kentucky driver, it’s possible that you have been behind the wheel when tired before. Even though most people know that this shouldn’t be done, sometimes it can’t be avoided. So what should you do if you start feeling...
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What treatment do burn injuries need?

February 25, 2016
Due to some of the more volatile components of vehicles, car accidents may sometimes involve fire. This can leave Kentucky drivers like you dealing with burn injuries, which require different treatments depending on whether the injuries are mild, moderate, or...
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How to rollover accidents occur?

February 21, 2016
As a driver in Kentucky, you should be aware of all of the potential dangers that you may meet on the road. This includes rollover accidents, which you may have heard about before, but you may not know the details...
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