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What to do if you are hit by a car while biking

December 11, 2015
Accidents between bicyclists and vehicles happen everywhere, and can happen to anyone. Even Kentucky residents may find themselves being hit by a car while biking along the side of the road. So how should people handle this situation?Safe Bee states...
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What to do after a food item recall

December 5, 2015
Residents of Kentucky may someday find that they have accidentally purchased an item that has been recalled, or that they bought an item and it was recalled soon after. What should be done if people suspect that they may have...
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Are you too fatigued to drive?

December 3, 2015
If you’re a Kentucky trucker, you may have to deal with tightly packed schedules that can make it tempting to drive on little or no sleep. However, driving while sleepy can be just as dangerous as driving while under the...
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What to do if you suspect abuse in a nursing home

November 28, 2015
Leaving loved ones in the care of others at a nursing home takes a lot of trust, and unfortunately, that trust is sometimes broken. What should Kentucky residents do if they suspect that abuse is occurring in a nursing home?The...
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Signs of nursing home abuse

November 26, 2015
Nursing home abuse or neglect is an unfortunate occurrence that some Kentucky residents may have to deal with. The Administration on Aging states that there are several signs to look for when keeping an eye out for potential abuse in...
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