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Signs of nursing home abuse

November 26, 2015
Nursing home abuse or neglect is an unfortunate occurrence that some Kentucky residents may have to deal with. The Administration on Aging states that there are several signs to look for when keeping an eye out for potential abuse in...
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What to do if your medication has been recalled

November 21, 2015
Prescription medication can be recalled for several reasons. But that still leaves an important question: what should Kentucky consumers do if they are on a medication that has been recalled?WebMD’s first piece of advice is for people stop taking medication...
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Why prescription drug recalls happen

November 19, 2015
Pharmaceutical recalls aren’t frequent, but they do happen occasionally. Because of that, some Kentucky residents who take prescription medications may end up experiencing a recall of their own medication someday. But why do these recalls happen?As WebMD states, prescription drug...
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How common are truck accident injuries and deaths?

November 12, 2015
From motorcycle wrecks to pedestrians being struck by a vehicle, any type of traffic accident can be dangerous. However, accidents involving a large truck can be especially hazardous and drivers should be aware of just how many people are killed...
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How dangerous is distracted driving?

November 10, 2015
From drunk driving to icy roads, there are a number of factors that play a role in car accidents. Although many people hear about accidents involving drunk drivers from news reports, it is important to be aware of some of...
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