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Texting while driving in Kentucky

Any type of distraction while driving can be dangerous, and sending or reading a text message can distract the driver for a few seconds or longer. This can create a lot of trouble for the other drivers on the road....
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General Motors crash investigations continue

Kentucky residents may remember a 2006 California accident during which a driver lost control of a Chevrolet Cobalt before the vehicle rolled over. This incident occurred on a clear, dry and warm day and caused a death, and a Vanguard...
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High stakes for children in DUI car accidents

Drivers who get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol generate enough worry for other drivers, but they also put their own children in peril. According to a new study, a disturbing number of child fatalities in DUI accidents...
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Study says teen distracted drivers increase risk

While most recent media campaigns and distracted driving research has focused on texting and driving, it turns out that rowdiness and loud conversations may be dangerous, too. The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, worked with 52 teenage...
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