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How are Lost Wages Calculated in Kentucky?

October 4, 2021
Anytime an individual in Kentucky sustains an injury caused by the actions of another person, business, or entity, they should be able to recover compensation for their losses. When most people think of injury claims, they think of recovering payments...
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February 27, 2020
Just as in an everyday fender bender, it comes from insurance. In a tort case, the tortfeasor will almost always have liability insurance to pay a successful plaintiff, although larger companies may be sometimes be self-insured. Let’s say your family...
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You should be skeptical about first settlement offers

If you're like most Americans who drive, you trust in your insurance company. You probably feel safer getting behind the wheel of your car because you know that you have protection if anything should happen. It's true that carrying insurance...
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This is what you can expect after a car accident

Imagine going for a Sunday drive in the country. The windows are down, there is not a cloud in the sky, and you let the stress of the prior week fade away while you drive down scenic winding roads. What...
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What to do if a third party is responsible for your work injuries

It is often said that construction workers work in some of the most dangerous workplace environments. Whether it's because of their close proximity to heavy machinery or the increased risk of being struck by falling debris, construction workers in Kentucky...
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