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The Rise Of Amazon Delivery Accidents And Injuries

December 4, 2023
With the winter holidays just around the corner, Amazon orders and deliveries will increase dramatically, and as a result, amazon delivery accidents and injuries will also increase. The online shopping platform has grown increasingly popular over the past 20 years,...
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Distracted driving: A major problem throughout the United States

You were traveling down the road when you looked up to see another driver crossing your path. The driver crossed the center line and was heading straight for you. You honked and tried to swerve, but there was no way...
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Vehicle accidents continue to cause injuries

Kentucky drivers may be interested in some national statistics concerning traffic accidents. In 2012, there were more than 33,000 deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In addition, close to 7,000 people across...
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Texting while driving in Kentucky

Any type of distraction while driving can be dangerous, and sending or reading a text message can distract the driver for a few seconds or longer. This can create a lot of trouble for the other drivers on the road....
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Study says teen distracted drivers increase risk

While most recent media campaigns and distracted driving research has focused on texting and driving, it turns out that rowdiness and loud conversations may be dangerous, too. The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, worked with 52 teenage...
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