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Imagine driving a family sedan on the highway one morning when you encounter an accident up ahead that’s blocking one lane. As you slow to safely pass through the scene, you notice a gravel truck in your rear-view mirror. You...
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Are Drunk Drivers Always At Fault In An Accident?

August 12, 2017
Every year, thousands of car accidents involve drunk drivers, and many people believe that a drunk driver is always at fault in an accident. Unfortunately, this is not always true. If you recently experienced a car accident with a drunk...
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Alleged drunk driver strikes woman in Kentucky crosswalk

An accident in Kentucky in the early hours of Dec. 28 seriously injured a Louisville woman when a driver allegedly struck her in a crosswalk. The driver was charged with wanton endangerment, driving with a license suspended and DUI, according...
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Some at greater risk for drinking and driving than others

Drivers in Kentucky likely know that drinking and driving is illegal but do not have all the important safety information regarding this issue. The amount of U.S. adults that have admitted to driving while impaired by alcohol totals 112 million...
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High stakes for children in DUI car accidents

Drivers who get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol generate enough worry for other drivers, but they also put their own children in peril. According to a new study, a disturbing number of child fatalities in DUI accidents...
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