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Some at greater risk for drinking and driving than others

Drivers in Kentucky likely know that drinking and driving is illegal but do not have all the important safety information regarding this issue. The amount of U.S. adults that have admitted to driving while impaired by alcohol totals 112 million...
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Texting and driving dangers

Kentucky drivers are likely already aware of the dangers of text messaging while driving a car. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has recently released a study clearly identifying the risks with statistical language. Driver distraction was responsible for...
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General Motors crash investigations continue

Kentucky residents may remember a 2006 California accident during which a driver lost control of a Chevrolet Cobalt before the vehicle rolled over. This incident occurred on a clear, dry and warm day and caused a death, and a Vanguard...
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Man treated for Lyme disease after 10-month struggle

Kentucky residents may have heard about one man's search for correct treatment of his Lyme disease that nearly lasted for an entire year. According to the news source, an associate professor of music business at Berklee College of Music in...
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