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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (Part 2) – Causes and Risk Factors

It may be difficult to properly identify the cause of this rare and unpredictable reaction. Usually Stevens-Johnson syndrome is caused by a medication or an infection. If it’s a drug reaction, it may occur up to two weeks after you've...
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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: An Easily Misdiagnosed Medical Condition

A particularly alarming medical condition that can be easily misdiagnosed in the Emergency Room is Stevens-Johnson syndrome. This is a rare disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes, although it can begin with flu-like symptoms. Sufferers experience a red...
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Healthcare culture discourages reporting errors

Almost 200 thousand people die each year in the United States due to preventable medical errors. Yet, only a very small minority of clinical staff challenges colleagues who make mistakes. Kentucky practitioners who make an error once may make the...
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Breast cancer biopsies shown to be widely inaccurate

Many women in Kentucky have had reason to suspect that they might be suffering from breast cancer or a related medical issue. A recent study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicate that a misdiagnosis...
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Man treated for Lyme disease after 10-month struggle

Kentucky residents may have heard about one man's search for correct treatment of his Lyme disease that nearly lasted for an entire year. According to the news source, an associate professor of music business at Berklee College of Music in...
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