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Healthcare culture discourages reporting errors

Almost 200 thousand people die each year in the United States due to preventable medical errors. Yet, only a very small minority of clinical staff challenges colleagues who make mistakes. Kentucky practitioners who make an error once may make the...
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Many Kentucky doctors worry about malpractice issues

According to researchers, every year about $210 billion is wasted on medical tests, procedures and treatments that are unnecessary. This is illustrated by the fact that 97 percent of doctors surveyed in a recent study said that they had ordered...
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Thousands of people die from medical errors

Thousands of people in the United States die each year because of medical errors made in hospitals, including in Kentucky. Just how many people die under such circumstances, however, is hard to determine. The issue has been debated for more...
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Decline in hospital errors

Kentucky residents might be interested to learn about a recent federal report showing that U.S. hospitals are making fewer mistakes. According to the report that was released on Dec. 2, there was a 17 percent decline in preventable hospital errors...
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How common are wrong-site surgeries?

While surgical patients in Kentucky may share national concerns about wrong-site and wrong-person surgeries, statistics from a 2009 study suggest that only one in 112,000 procedures tend to involve these kinds of errors, known as WSPEs, which are also nicknamed...
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