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Q&A: Is It Legal To Marry Your First Cousin In Kentucky?

April 12, 2020
No, that is forbidden by statute: KRS 402.010. Degree of relationship that will bar marriage. (1) No marriage shall be contracted between persons who are nearer of kin to each other by consanguinity, whether of the whole or half-blood, than...
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Q&A: Are there too many frivolous lawsuits?

April 8, 2020
It seems to be an article of faith that the American legal system is awash with frivolous lawsuits. It’s not. Under the applicable rules of civil procedure, suits may not be brought “for any improper purpose, such as to harass,...
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Q&A: Can I get in trouble for planting poison ivy to keep people away?

April 4, 2020
I wouldn’t do that. While poison ivy is normally naturally occurring, cultivating poison ivy may be seen as artificially creating a hidden danger on the land. That might make you liable for someone else’s injuries, because you’re as likely to...
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Q&A: Do we need to protect doctors from frivolous lawsuits?

April 1, 2020
There are already difficult barriers for someone injured by a physician’s negligence to succeed in a medical malpractice claim. These lawsuits are perhaps the most involved single-plaintiff tort cases out there. A plaintiff’s lawyer has to track down and acquire...
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No, a negligent pedestrian could share in the fault for a car-pedestrian accident. The duties of pedestrians are set out in the Kentucky statutes at KRS 189.570. Pedestrians have to obey traffic control devices, use sidewalks and crosswalks when provided,...
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