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What can Kentucky drivers do to stay safe around large trucks?

Not long ago this Kentucky personal injury legal blog discussed several critical events that truck drivers can cause that can lead to serious collisions with other motor vehicles. While truck drivers are tasked with operating their rigs safely and following...
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Do you know how to effectively avoid the ‘no zones’ near trucks?

July 12, 2018
When you have to drive in close proximity with large commercial trucks, you probably feel acutely aware of the size difference between your vehicle and the truck. You probably try to stay alert and aware of what the truck is...
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Commercial trucks pose major risks to passenger vehicles

January 15, 2018
Motor vehicles are both a boon to society and a massive source of risk and loss. They allow people to live more than a mile or two from the place they work. They provide freedom to engage in all kinds...
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Weak rear underride guards increase risks in commercial crashes

Most people on the road are aware of the fact that commercial trucks pose a special risk to people in passenger vehicles. Special precautions, like driving regulations for commercial drivers and increased safety equipment, are intended to reduce crashes. Underride...
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Do you understand what a jackknife accident is?

August 28, 2017
You share the road with larger commercial vehicles every day. You are likely aware from both driver's training and signage on semitrucks and eighteen wheelers that there are massive blind spots around these commercial trucks. You may also realize that...
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