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Children suffer brain injuries from common accidents and products

It may seem as though a Kentucky child moves through life with the ability to avoid the injuries and harm that befall older individuals. When a child stumbles they may end up with a bruise or minor cut, whereas an adult may pull a muscle or break a bone. However, a recent study suggests that children are susceptible to a highly dangerous form of injury from a variety of common products that can cause accidents and injuries when they are encountered.

Traumatic brain injuries result from jolts or penetrations into the brain, and unfortunately there are many ways that kids can suffer them in their everyday lives. Research out of the journal Brain Injury suggests that more than over 17% of brain injuries in kids under the age of 19 happen when they are injured by items of furniture in their homes or home elements. These items and elements can include but are not limited to walls, floors, beds, and tables.

If children can suffer serious injuries to their brains from common falls and encounters with everyday items in their homes, it should come as no surprise that they can also suffer such forms of harm when they are involved in accidents. Personal injury events like car accidents, pedestrian or bike collisions, and others can seriously harm victims of all ages.

A traumatic brain injury is a serious medical condition that should be dealt with by a medical professional. This post offers no legal or medical advice but does encourage victims of traumatic brain injuries to fully understand what they can do to pursue their losses and damages.