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CPSC recall list highlights the many dangers products can contain

December 18, 2018

It is December and for many Kentucky residents that can mean that it is the season of giving. As they prepare presents for their friends, family members, and as gifts to charities, some may take extra steps to ensure that their recipients receive just what they want. However, few will investigate just how safe the gifts that they are giving are or whether those presents may pose hazards.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission continually issues recalls for products that have been proven unsafe to individuals. For example, just last week a brand of high chairs was recalled because the legs of the device could detach and send children falling to the floor; before that an off-road vehicle was recalled because its roll bar may be insufficient to protect riders from harm in the event of a rollover crash.

Dangerous products can come in many forms as made clear by the CPSC’s growing list of recalled items. As previously discussed on this blog, products may be considered defective if they suffer from problems in their manufacturing, mistakes in their designs, or failures in their warnings or instructions. Any type of defect may be hazardous to a consumer and may avail them to damages under products liability law if they suffer harm.

This holiday season, consumers will actively seek out the best products for the people who they care the most about. Some of those products may include hidden dangers that could possibly cause harm to those who receive them. Injuries and losses from dangerous products do not have to be ignored and victims of these forms of harm are often entitled to compensation for their damages. A Lexington personal injury attorney can help victims receive restitution for their injuries.