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Do I Need an Attorney for a Minor Car Accident?

July 22, 2020

The last thing that anybody wants to go through is a car accident. However, these incidents occur regularly. Regardless of how safely you operate your vehicle, you cannot control the actions of others around you. Thankfully, many car accidents are relatively minor. This leads to a common question – do you need an attorney for a minor car accident in Kentucky? Whether you need an attorney will depend on the particular facts of each situation.

Situations When an Attorney Will Be Beneficial

According to the Kentucky Department of Transportation, there were more than 158,000 total car accidents reported during the latest year of data available. Even though most accidents will be handled through insurance carriers of the parties involved, the following circumstances may necessitate an attorney’s assistance:

Liability Is Not Clear

If there is a dispute over which party was at-fault, you should consider speaking to an attorney immediately. An attorney will be able to step in early in the case and handle all communication with the other parties. A Lexington car accident attorney will have the resources necessary to conduct a full investigation into the case in order to determine fault. This includes gathering video or photo surveillance, eyewitness statements, accident reports, and more.

The Insurance Carrier Denies a Claim or Lowballs the Offer

The at-fault party’s insurance carrier is not your friend. They are not on your side, and they will do what they can to lower your total settlement. In many cases, particularly when their policyholder was clearly at fault, the insurance carrier will make a quick settlement offer. Be wary, because early settlement offers are often far below what you should be receiving. You should respond by using all of your receipts and medical bills to craft and send a demand letter asking for full compensation. If the insurance carrier refuses to offer a fair amount or denies you claim, you should speak to an attorney.

Your Injuries Are Worse Than You Thought

In the initial aftermath of a car accident, the adrenaline pumping through your body may prevent you from realizing how serious your injuries are. In some cases, the signs and symptoms of many car accident injuries are not evident until hours or days after the incident. If you have refused medical treatment or have already told witnesses or an insurance carrier you were not injured, this could present a problem. You should speak with an attorney who can work with a trusted medical professional to explain why you did not notice your injuries and to clearly articulate that your injuries were indeed caused by the crash.

How Much Does an Attorney Cost?

Many people do not talk to an attorney, even if they are injured, because they are afraid they cannot afford one. In many cases, a Lexington personal injury lawyer will take your case on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will pay no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for your case and will only owe legal fees after your lawyer successfully secures the compensation you deserve.