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Essure permanent birth control device raises red flags with women

There are plenty of women across the United States who do not want to have children. If you’re one of them, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, birth control isn’t always 100 percent effective and costly in-hospital surgeries hardly seem like a better option. It’s for these and other reasons that many women have turned to the Essure permanent birth control device.

Unlike other sterilization procedures, the Essure device is implanted in the fallopian tubes without the use of general anesthesia or even a surgical incision. In addition to this benefit, the cost of the device is relatively low and is intended to last a lifetime. Unfortunately for a lot of women, the benefits of the device have not outweighed the potentially life-threatening issues the device creates.

As you may not know, Essure is designed to create scar tissue in the fallopian tubes in order to prevent sperm from fertilizing eggs. In a growing number of cases, however, women are reporting very different symptoms including:

  • Excessive bleeding or irregular periods
  • Persistent pain in the back and pelvic regions
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Painful intercourse
  • Significant weight loss
  • Constipation or Bloating
  • Brain fog and memory issues
  • Bladder problems

In addition to the seemingly minor symptoms above – as well as the other symptoms found here – in more and more cases, women are reporting more severe health issues including:

  • Device migration – There are reports of Essure moving out of the fallopian tubes and into the uterus where it can cause serious damage to surrounding tissue.
  • Allergic reactions – Essure’s nickel titanium design has caused some women to develop severe allergic reactions to the device. If nothing is done, a woman could develop an autoimmune reaction that could lead to inflammation in tissues and joints.
  • Perforation of the fallopian tubes – In many cases, metal pieces from the Essure device have broken off and have perforated the fallopian tubes, causing considerable damage to internal organs.
  • Device failure – In some cases, the device has failed to prevent the fertilization of an egg, which has led to unwanted pregnancies. In a few of those cases, Essure has even been responsible for miscarriages.

From injuries to serious health conditions to death, the threat that the Essure permanent birth control device poses to women cannot and should not be ignored. In fact, many women who have been affected by Essure have already begun taking legal action against Essure’s manufacturer, Bayer, in hopes of recovering damages and holding the company responsible for releasing such a dangerous product to the market.