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Florence Brain Injury Lawyer

Traumatic brain injuries regularly leave victims with extensive medical bills and lifelong disabilities. Unfortunately, securing compensation after a brain injury caused by another party can be difficult. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we are ready to help if you need a Florence injury lawyer by your side. We have a strong track record of success handling complex injury claims throughout Kentucky, and we want to help you and your family recover compensation for your losses.

Choose Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. for Help

  • The team at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. is ready to help you today. When we start working with you, you have our undivided attention as we seek to recover compensation on your behalf.
  • We have a proven track record of success, having secured some of the largest settlements and jury verdicts in Kentucky history on behalf of our clients.
  • We understand the financial constraints associated with brain injury claims, which is why we handle these cases on a contingency fee basis. We don’t collect legal fees until after we secure the compensation you are entitled to.

How Brain Injuries Happen in Florence

Florence Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries can occur in a wide variety of ways in and around the Florence area of Kentucky. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we regularly handle brain injuries that have occurred due to:

This is certainly not a complete list of how brain injuries can occur due to the negligence of others in our area. If you have any questions about your particular situation, please reach out to our Florence brain injury lawyer for a free consultation of your claim today.

What an Attorney Will Do to Help Your Claim

Brain injury claims present significant challenges for those involved, particularly victims. As a brain injury victim, your focus should be on recovering and getting your life back on track. Your brain injury lawyer in Florence, Kentucky, will handle every aspect of the claim on your behalf. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Fully investigating the incident to gather evidence to prove liability
  • Initiating all communication with insurance carriers and legal teams involved in the claim
  • Ensuring you are evaluated by trusted medical experts
  • Handling all negotiations with other parties involved
  • Fully preparing the claim for trial throughout the discovery process
  • Keeping you informed every step of the way
  • Arguing your case in front of a judge or jury

Types of Compensation Available for a Brain Injury Claim

Brain injury victims in Florence, Kentucky, may be able to recover various compensation types if their claim against another party is successful. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., our team has a strong track record of recovering compensation for brain injury victims throughout the state. We work to recover economic and non-economic damages on behalf of victims and their families.

  • Economic damages. Sometimes referred to as special damages, these are the types of losses our team can calculate by examining receipts, invoices, estimates, and bills victims and their families receive after the incident occurs. We can use this to calculate:
    • Medical bills
    • Lost income and loss of future earnings
    • Property damage expenses
    • Out-of-pocket household costs
    • Physical therapy and rehabilitation expenses
    • Medical devices and medication costs
  • Non-economic damages. These are sometimes referred to as general damages and are not as easily calculable as the expenses just mentioned. These types of losses focus on the victim apostrophes physical, emotional, and psychological pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life caused by the injury and any lasting disability.

The total amount of compensation available for brain injury victims will vary depending on each particular injury circumstance. As your attorneys, our goal is to help recover compensation for your long-term expenses as well as all of your current needs. We know that brain injury victims often suffer from some form of lasting disability, and the final settlement or jury verdict should reflect those needs.

How Long Does a Brain Injury Claim Take to Conclude?

Understanding how long it will take for a brain injury claim in Florence to conclude can be confusing, but first, we should start by explaining that you need to file your claim promptly. In Kentucky, the personal entry statute of limitations is one year from the date an injury occurs. This is much shorter than other states around the country. Personal injury victims must file their claim within this one-year time frame. If they fail to do this, the case will likely get dismissed, leaving victims unable to recover compensation for their losses.

There is no set time for how long it will take your claim to resolve after it begins. Filing a brain injury claim in civil court is just the first step in the process. There will be a discovery period where attorneys for all parties involved will exchange information and take depositions of potential witnesses. Relatively straightforward brain injury claims could be resolved within a few months or a year, but that is no guarantee. Personal injury claims can take quite some time to conclude. We encourage you to speak to your attorney about your case if you would like a better understanding of what to expect in your situation.

Call a Florence Brain Injury Attorney Today

If you or somebody you care about has sustained brain trauma caused by the negligence of another party in the Florence area of Kentucky, the team at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. is standing by to help. We know this is a confusing time for you and your family, but we want to be your advocate and hope you recover the compensation needed to move forward. Our Florence brain injury lawyer can handle every bit of the claims process on your behalf so you can focus on recovering from your injury. For a completely free consultation, you can reach us by filling out our contact form or calling us at (800) 337-4002.