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How common are truck accident injuries and deaths?

November 12, 2015

From motorcycle wrecks to pedestrians being struck by a vehicle, any type of traffic accident can be dangerous. However, accidents involving a large truck can be especially hazardous and drivers should be aware of just how many people are killed and injured in truck accidents each year. In Pikeville, Kentucky, and across America, truck accidents will likely result in more deaths in the near future and everyone on the road should focus on preventing these accidents from ruining more lives.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 3,900 people lost their lives in accidents which involved a large truck in 2012. Also, 104,000 people were hurt in a large truck accident during the same year. Tragically, there was a significant increase in the number of people killed and injured in 2012 compared to the prior year, in which 3,781 died and 88,000 were injured. Among those who passed away in these collisions, almost three out of four (73 percent) were an occupant of another vehicle, one in 10 were a non-occupant and 18 percent were riding in a large truck.

If you were recently hurt or lost a loved one in a semi truck accident, you may be struggling with negative emotions, pain and a myriad of other hurdles, such as financial woes. Life for truck accident victims can be incredibly difficult, but trying to recover from the crash is necessary. Moreover, truck companies and truck drivers who were negligent or reckless must be held accountable.

The information presented in this piece is not legal advice.