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How dangerous are inflatable amusements?

October 29, 2015

Whether customers are not aware of how dangerous a product can be or a negligent manufacturer provides an insufficient warning, there are a number of reasons why people continue to suffer an injury or even lose their life while using a product. Although many parents are aware of dangerous children’s toys that have been recalled, some do not recognize the potential risks associated with inflatable amusements. In Pikeville, and across Kentucky, it is imperative for consumers to be aware of any potential dangers before using a product and take the appropriate course of action if they are ever injured by a defective product.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, it is estimated that more than 113,000 inflatable amusement injuries required emergency treatment between 2003 and 2013. Furthermore, over 90 percent of these injuries were connected to a particular type of inflatable amusement known as a moon bounce. A majority of those injured were between the ages of four and 15 and a majority of the injuries afflicted the arms or legs of a victim. Unfortunately, over the course of this ten year period, these amusements reportedly caused 12 people to lose their lives, which highlights the potentially serious nature of inflatable amusement accidents.

If you or one of your loved ones have been hurt by an inflatable amusement, it is important to carefully examine the details of the accident and consider all of your options as you try to move forward. This information was written to draw attention to the possible dangers of inflatable amusements and is not to be taken as legal counsel.