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How recklessness may lead to a wrongful death

January 8, 2019

Negligence is often the cause of the many injury-causing accidents that happen throughout Kentucky. Whether those accidents occur on the roads, at workplaces or in retail centers, the failure of a person to act reasonably given their circumstances is often the basis of their victim’s civil legal claims. From time to time, though, individuals conduct themselves in a manner even more careless and defiant that negligence does not adequately describe their conduct.

Recklessness is often identified as a cause of injuries when it can be said that the acting party knew or should have known that their conduct would cause others harm. It is an unfortunate truth that victims of recklessness-based accidents can suffer serious personal injuries and that some may even lose their lives.

Consider, for example, a driver who consumes several alcoholic drinks on an evening out. They may not be able to stand up straight and may suffer from cognitive deficiencies due to their inebriation. If they chose to drive themselves home and cause a fatal accident in the process, they may find themselves facing a claim of recklessness for the wrongful death their actions caused.

This legal blog does not provide legal advice or guidance. The information provided here may be used by this blog’s readers as a basis for expanding their knowledge on this legal topic. Recklessness and negligence both relate to conduct that may harm others and cause personal injuries, but those who have suffered at the hands of other people should discuss their possible claims with Lexington wrongful death attorneys who understand the facts of their cases.