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How To Maximize Compensation In A Personal Injury Case

October 17, 2023

When someone sustains an injury due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, the process of recovering compensation can be confusing and challenging. There are various steps an injury victim can take soon after the incident occurs in order to maximize the compensation they receive if their claim is successful. We strongly suggest seeking a free personal injury consultation with a personal injury attorney who can guide you through this complex process.

Seeking Immediate Medical Care

One of the most important steps after an injury occurs is seeking medical care. Personal injury victims should receive medical treatment as soon as possible after the incident for two important reasons. First, your health and well-being must take precedence over everything else. Prompt medical care treats the obvious injuries and can also help uncover any hidden injuries you may not know about yet.

Seeking quick medical care also helps establish a solid timeline of events between the incident and any injuries that do arise as a result. This kind of paper trail is important, particularly when working to recover compensation from challenging insurance carriers.

Preserving Evidence

Personal injury victims should gather and preserve as much evidence as possible right after the incident occurs and in the days and weeks that follow. Some of this evidence typically gets obtained right away, and this can include photographs from the scene of the incident and statements from eyewitnesses. At the very least, the names and contact information of any witnesses should be written down so they can be contacted later on.

There may also be video surveillance footage of the incident available. It is not uncommon for there to be video surveillance cameras on nearby homes, businesses, or even inside vehicles. This footage can help corroborate or refute various accounts of the incident.

Maintain Good Records

Personal injury victims should maintain good records following the incident. This includes keeping all medical records related to the injuries as well as documentation of any additional expenses arising due to the incident. Proof of lost wages if a personal injury victim is unable to work should also be obtained. If you are in doubt about what type of records to keep after an injury occurs, it is better to keep everything and let your attorney sort through the documentation.

Working With a Personal Injury Lawyer

One of the best ways to help maximize compensation in a personal injury case is to work with a skilled attorney who can walk you through the entire process. When you have a personal injury lawyer in Lexington by your side, you will have an advocate ready to completely investigate the case and handle all communication with other parties. Your lawyer will negotiate with the insurance carriers and fully prepare your case for trial if necessary. Importantly, an attorney will understand how much compensation you should receive because they will work with trusted medical and economic experts specifically for your case.

It is not uncommon for insurance carriers to deny personal injury claims or to make low settlement offers. In these situations, taking the case to a jury trial may be the only way for a personal injury victim to recover the compensation they are entitled to. An attorney can handle this entire process on behalf of their client.