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Judo Law

Introducing the Judo Law origins & concept

For many years, Gary C. Johnson has studied the different methods and theories of trial practice. In recent years, Gary has tried to take the methods he has used in his 40-plus years’ career and formulate a guideline for other attorneys to use. He has developed a theory called Judo Law. He has spoken at several seminars nationwide regarding his approach. Gary wants to make the materials regarding Judo Law available free of charge to any Plaintiff’s attorney who wishes to have a copy. This offer is being made to Plaintiff’s attorneys only.

If you wish to receive a free copy of Gary’s article please email matt@garycjohnson.com and a complete copy of Gary’s article will be mailed or emailed to you.

Those wishing to receive a copy must verify that they are Plaintiff’s only attorneys and provide sufficient contact information to verify identity.

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