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Kentucky Back Injury Lawyer

Some injuries are obvious, and some only manifest over time. Back injuries and soft tissue damage are two types of harm that are not always apparent. In fact, an accident victim may not feel the effect for weeks. Because of this, injured people often do not seek medical attention or legal advice until after being involved in an accident.

At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we represent seriously injured people throughout central and eastern Kentucky. For 40 years, we have helped clients recover the compensation they need to pay for medical treatment, replace lost wages, and to try to make up for the pain and suffering that results from an injury. Many of our clients have suffered soft tissue injuries and trauma to their backs. Our Kentucky back injury attorneys understand how to build solid cases for compensation in these often-challenging personal injury claims.

Types of Back and Soft Tissue Injury Claims in Kentucky

Our Kentucky back injury lawyers handle serious soft tissue and back injury claims, such as those involving:

  • Disk injuries (ruptured disks, herniated disks)
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Torn muscles
  • Torn or severed ligaments and tendons
  • Pinched nerves

Whether you were injured in a car accident, a motorcycle crash, or in any other context, the sooner you seek medical care and legal advice, the better. Back injuries and soft tissue damage are often misdiagnosed, so getting a proper medical evaluation is critical. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., our Kentucky back injury attorneys make sure our clients get the treatment they need. If obstacles come up in getting tests, treatment or insurance coverage — and such obstacles often do — we can help you overcome them while we are preparing your damages claim for settlement or trial.

Our Kentucky back injury lawyers handle the legal issues so you can focus on improving your health to the greatest possible extent.

Contact a Kentucky Back Injury Attorney for a free personal injury consultation

If you have suffered a back injury, whiplash, or any other soft tissue injury because of someone’s negligent acts, you may be entitled to compensation. Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., will work hard to get it for you. Schedule a free initial consultation with our Kentucky back injury lawyers by calling (800) 337-4002. You can also contact our law firm online.

If you cannot come to our office, we can meet you at your home or in the hospital.