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Kentucky Birth Injury Lawyer

Injuries suffered by babies during delivery — cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, or permanent nerve damage — often reflect the negligence of obstetricians, anesthetists or nurses. For advice about your right to compensation for medical malpractice resulting in severe or disabling injuries during childbirth, contact a Kentucky birth injury lawyer at the law firm of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C.

With offices in Louisville, Pikeville, Hazard, and Lexington, our Kentucky injury lawyers are conveniently located for clients in Central and Eastern Kentucky, and we serve the needs of families throughout the state.

How a Kentucky Birth Injury Attorney Can Help

The safety of a mother and her child is in the hands of a medical team during childbirth. Mistakes can sometimes happen through no fault of the medical team. However, some mistakes are the direct result of a team member’s failure to observe accepted and recognized standards of care.

Our Kentucky birth injury attorneys know how to work with obstetric experts to evaluate just what happened in the case of a birth injury. Was there a negligent failure to order a C-section based on the mother’s physical characteristics or fetal distress during breech delivery? Was there a failure to diagnose an underlying medical problem? Did a failure to monitor vital signs lead to asphyxiation resulting in cerebral palsy or other brain damage? Did improper use of surgical instruments cause nerve damage to the neck or shoulder of the fetus?

Contact our Birth Injury Lawyer in Kentucky

We give our clients honest advice about the merits of their claims and complete support through all the obstacles that can come up between the commencement of the lawsuit and the resolution of the case. To discuss your case with a Lexington personal injury lawyer who knows how to identify and pursue birth injury claims under Kentucky law, contact the law firm of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., for a free personal injury consultation.