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Kentucky Burn Injury Lawyer

At the law firm of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., our Kentucky burn injury lawyers help people recover damages for burn injuries suffered in car or truck accidents, explosions, mining accidents, and electrical burn injuries. If you need advice about your right to compensation for a burn injury, contact us for a free personal injury consultation.

How Can a Kentucky Burn Injury Attorney Help

The most difficult issue in burn injury cases often concerns projected treatment needs and prognosis for recovery. As experienced Kentucky burn injury lawyers, we understand that severe burns are among the most painful injuries that a person can survive, but there is often a great deal of dispute as to the extent and duration of maximum physical recovery.

Our experience in handling personal injury burn cases in Kentucky gives us the ability to work effectively with experts from a variety of fields: medicine, physical therapy, psychology, vocational therapy, and life care planning. By working closely with these experts, we’re able to present an estimate of your future financial needs. We’re also able to support that estimate with evidence and expert opinions.

Our firm understands that many times the effects of a burn injury are permanent with no medical treatment available. Disfigurement, skin changes, and lifetime restrictions due to burn injuries can cause loss of self-esteem and severe emotional problems. The Kentucky burn injury attorneys at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., know how important this element of damages is to your claims.

Burn injury cases are sometimes severe enough to generate needs for compensation that exceed the insurance coverage available for the most obvious defendant. We therefore look very hard for as many sources of compensation as the law will allow.

Whether your injuries were caused by fire, chemical burns, or an explosion, our Kentucky personal injury attorneys have the experience and skill to help you present your strongest case possible for full compensation. To learn more about our ability to represent your interests effectively in a burn injury case, contact a Kentucky burn injury lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., in Pikeville, Hazard, Lexington, or Louisville.