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Kentucky Emergency Room Negligence Lawyer

People go to emergency rooms when they need to be seen immediately by emergency medical professionals because they are suffering from severe illness or injuries. Unfortunately, emergency room medical professionals, staff, and others do make mistakes and too often, innocent patients suffer injuries and damages as a result. If you suspect that you or a loved one has sustained injuries due to emergency room negligence, contact a Kentucky emergency room negligence lawyer at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., as soon as possible to discuss your injuries and preserve your claim.

Why Choose Us?

  • Our attorneys have a long track record of successfully representing clients who have suffered injuries as a result of emergency room negligence and other types of medical malpractice.
  • Our attorneys are thorough and aggressive and they work to secure maximum recovery for every client. Our law firm has been advocating for medical malpractice victims for over 40 years and we have secured significant financial recoveries for our clients including multimillion-dollar settlements and trial awards.
  • We know that there is more to injury claims than financial compensation and our compassionate attorneys provide representation that aims to help clients recover physically, emotionally, and financially.
  • Our firm has fostered relationships with medical experts who help to consult for our medical malpractice cases and provide testimony when necessary.

Common Types of Emergency Room Negligence

Emergency room issues and problems caused by negligence are well documented and heavily studied, but these same problems continue to occur, often leading to injuries in emergency rooms across the country. Injuries related to long emergency room wait times, forgetting about patients waiting for treatment, and failing to admit or turning away patients with life-threatening medical conditions are preventable injuries — but not enough is being done to avoid these problems.

Other emergency room negligence issues include dismissing patient complaints and releasing patients without administering diagnostic tests or failing to allow for sufficient time for observation. Medication errors and failing to provide follow up instructions or prescribe follow up care may also lead to injuries. Infections are a common problem caused by unsanitary emergency room conditions and improper wound care.

Handling Emergency Room Negligence Claims

Our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable about emergency room medical standards of care, different types of emergency room negligence, and patients’ rights. They are also experienced in negotiating settlement agreements with insurance companies and attorneys. They will investigate your case by reviewing your medical records and interviewing medical professionals and others who may have valuable information related to your claim. They will also gather evidence such as emergency room surveillance video and cell records of medical professionals and staff. Cell phone records are important to determine whether or not they were distracted by their smartphones when they should have been focused on your care.

Who is Liable?

Many parties may be responsible when it comes to emergency room negligence such as the emergency room facility, doctors, other medical professionals, and manufacturers of defective medical equipment or medication. With so many potential defendants and the involvement of their respective insurance companies, these claims can become very convoluted and complicated. Our experienced Kentucky emergency room negligence lawyers will skillfully sort the facts and evidence to determine and prove liability.

Contact Us Today

Kentucky law is favorable to plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases and if you or a loved one has suffered injuries caused by emergency room negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact a Kentucky emergency room negligence attorney at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to discuss your claim. Emergency room negligence is all too common and responsible medical professionals and institutions deserve to be held accountable.