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Kentucky Failure to Diagnose Attorney

Patients rely on doctors for their skill and education when it comes to diagnosing illnesses and medical conditions. Most patients go to their doctors for answers, but unfortunately, it is not uncommon for patients to walk away from an appointment with no diagnosis or an incorrect diagnosis for an existing condition. Failing to accurately diagnose a medical condition can have major consequences and can even be a matter of life or death. If you believe you or a loved one has suffered injuries caused by a failure to diagnose, contact a Kentucky failure to diagnose attorney at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to discuss your case facts and injuries sustained.

Why Choose Us?

  • Our attorneys are experienced in failure to diagnose cases because it is one of the most common types of medical malpractice that can lead to significant injuries and damages.
  • We know that losses related to a failure to diagnose or delayed diagnosis often go well beyond extensive medical bills. We will carefully examine all of your losses and then work to maximize the value of your claim so that you are fully and fairly compensated.
  • Our attorneys are skilled settlement negotiators and trial attorneys, which is why they have secured multimillion-dollar settlements and trial awards for our medical malpractice victim clients.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

Failure to diagnose a medical condition is not always caused by medical negligence and an experienced attorney investigating your claim will be able to discover why an accurate diagnosis was not timely made and whether or not it was a result of negligence. Common negligence scenarios include doctors not conducting thorough examinations and testing before dismissing patient complaints or making an incorrect diagnosis.

Other diagnosis error cases may be caused by doctors failing to review clients’ medical histories or not asking appropriate medical questions that would have led to the correct diagnosis. Failing to recommend follow up care and not referring patients to specialists may also result in a failure to diagnose.

The Consequences of Misdiagnosis

In order to have a valid claim, the patient must be able to demonstrate that he or she was injured as a result of a medical professional or a medical institution’s failure to diagnose. Consequences of failing to timely diagnose a medical condition can be devastating, especially when it comes to deadly conditions such as cancer. When treatment is not started immediately, some conditions can worsen quickly. If treatment is started after a delayed diagnosis, the treatment is often more invasive and extensive which can lengthen the time for recovery. It can also increase the cost of medical bills and result in missed work and lost wages. Sometimes when an accurate diagnosis is not made, an incorrect diagnosis is made instead, and this can result in unnecessary treatment and procedures (and in some cases, wrongful death).

Contact Us Today

Our Kentucky failure to diagnose attorneys at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., provide free initial consultations to discuss your failure to diagnose claim. They work on a contingency fee basis so that you do not have to pay attorneys’ fees until they have successfully helped you secure financial compensation. Medical professionals and institutions should be held accountable when their medical negligence leads to a failure to diagnose and resulting injuries. Compensation for your injuries and damages depends on the facts and circumstances of your case but may include lost wages, loss of earning capacity, medical bills, future medical expenses, and pain and suffering.