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Kentucky Leg and Knee Injury Lawyer

Helping Clients Collect Damages for Leg and Knee Injuries

During our 40 years of personal injury practice, we have seen that leg and knee injuries can present special problems for accident victims. These injuries are not only painful and sometimes hard to treat, they’re also subject to misdiagnosis or being overlooked entirely during emergency treatment, especially when the accident victim is being treated for more obvious or severe injuries to the head or neck. Our Kentucky leg and knee injury lawyers can help you receive compensation while you recover.

Call (800) 337-4002 for a free personal injury consultation at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C.

Our firm’s experience has been that people can receive knee injuries even if they are wearing their seatbelt. This is especially true in head-on and frontal collisions.

Even relatively minor leg and knee injuries can turn out to be severe injuries requiring surgery and extended periods of time away from work. If you have questions about your right to compensation for injuries to the leg or knee following a motorcycle accident, car accident, or injury on the job, contact a knowledgeable lawyer at the offices of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. With offices in Pikeville, Hazard, Louisville, and Lexington, we advise and represent accident victims throughout Eastern and Central Kentucky.

We help clients with fractures or soft tissue trauma in the legs or knees

Several factors combine to make leg and knee injuries complicated in personal injury litigation:

  • Minor soft tissue trauma has a way of worsening in unpredictable ways when untreated
  • Recovery from leg and knee injuries is unpredictable
  • Surgery isn’t always successful the first time around
  • Emergency room records of trauma to the lower limbs are not always kept when the patient is treated for other injuries
  • Delayed diagnosis of leg or knee trauma makes it hard to connect the injury to the accident

Despite these possible barriers to recovery for knee or leg injuries, the Kentucky leg and knee injury attorneys at our firm go to work early to make sure that you’re getting the diagnostic tests and treatment you need to make sure that these injuries are not lost in the shuffle. We also monitor your recovery to see whether it’s proceeding in a satisfactory way or running into complications.

If obstacles come up in getting tests, treatment, or insurance coverage — and such obstacles often do — we can help you overcome them while we’re preparing your damages claim for settlement or trial.

To learn more about our experience with the investigation and proof of difficult claims involving injuries ranging from knee ligament damage to broken legs, contact a skilled Kentucky leg and knee injury lawyer at the offices of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., in Pikeville, Hazard, Lexington, or Louisville.