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Kentucky shopping center barely spared in truck accident

May 27, 2016

Kentucky drivers often have to worry about sharing the road with large vehicles like delivery trucks. When these trucks get into crashes in urban or suburban areas, it can cause a lot of damage to the surrounding property, and can create concerns for the safety of other drivers, or even pedestrians.

This is the case with a recent accident involving a FedEx truck that may have suffered from a mechanical failure shortly before it nearly crashed into a shopping center, creating a dangerous situation for drivers and shoppers alike. Authorities are currently in the process of investigating exactly what happened, as the exact cause is unknown.

Reportedly, the driver may have had difficulty with the accelerator just before the accident. It is currently unknown if that particular vehicle has had related mechanical issues in the past, or if any circumstances may have aggravated the potential part failure. It is also unknown if there are any non-mechanical issues that need to be examined.

Two other vehicles got caught up in the accident. However, both vehicles were fortunately empty at the time of impact. Despite the involvement of multiple cars and the crowded crash site, no one else suffered from injuries but the truck driver.

Accidents tend to be even more dangerous when trucks are involved, simply due to the potential size and weight of the vehicles. Anyone who has been involved in a recent accident with larger trucks may wish to seek the aid of an attorney as quickly as possible.

Source: WLKY.com, “FedEx truck crashes in front of Vogue Center,” Steve Burgin, May 12, 2016