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Kentucky Talcum Powder Lawsuit Attorney

Recent cases have found that some talc products are allegedly contaminated with asbestos. Prolonged exposure to this substance can cause mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer that has no cure. Contaminated talc products have also been blamed for other types of cancers including ovarian cancer and lung cancer. If you or a loved one has suffered from mesothelioma or other cancers caused by asbestos in talc products, contact a Kentucky talcum powder lawsuit attorney at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to discuss your claim. When companies produce dangerous and defective products or hold their products out as safe for a particular purpose when they actually are not, they should be held accountable to injured consumers who relied on the safety of those products.

Why Choose Us?

  • Our experienced talcum powder lawsuit attorneys have a deep understanding of the issues presented in these dangerous talc product cases. They also understand how devastating the resulting consequences can be for injury victims and their families.
  • Our attorneys represent individual plaintiffs and groups of plaintiffs who have sustained injuries caused by the same defective product known as mass tort or class action cases. They work to maximize the value of their clients’ claims and secure significant settlements and trial awards as a result.
  • We know that medical expenses related to cancers caused by contaminated talc can be massive and when victims are unable to work as a result of their debilitating injuries, family financial situations can take a major hit. Our attorneys understand these difficulties and consequently, they take cases on a contingency fee basis so that clients do not have to pay any attorneys’ fees until after they have successfully secured compensation for their injuries.

How is Talc Contaminated?

Depending on where talc is mined, asbestos and talc can be found close together and cross-contamination can occur. Asbestos has been reportedly found in talc products such as powdered makeup and baby powder and recent reports of asbestos in children’s makeup products have put consumers on high alert. Consumers are not the only people who suffer injuries from contaminated talc, however; talc miners and employees of talc product manufacturers are also at risk for asbestos exposure.

Compensation for Injuries Caused by Asbestos

Manufacturers, sellers, and employers are common defendants in contaminated talc cases and when they are responsible for asbestos exposure causing mesothelioma, injury victims and their families are entitled to compensation. Depending on your case, compensation may include lost wages, loss of earning capacity, medical bills, future medical bills, pain and suffering, and sometimes punitive damages when the defendant’s conduct was egregious. Close family members of someone who has suffered fatal injuries due to contaminated asbestos exposure may be entitled to recovery for their losses resulting from the death of their loved one.

Contact Us Today

Our experienced Kentucky talcum powder lawsuit attorneys at Gary C. Johnson P.S.C. are compassionate and aggressive advocates for their clients who have sustained injuries due to someone else’s negligent or reckless conduct. When innocent and unsuspecting consumers and employees suffer injuries caused by contaminated talc exposure, our attorneys fight to see that they receive maximum compensation. Manufacturers, sellers, and employers owe a duty of care to consumers and employees and when they breach that duty of care, they should be held accountable. Call us at (800) 337-4002 or send us a message online.