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Kentucky Weight Loss Drug Lawyer

We all know the dangers of obesity and being overweight. Our thin-obsessed culture has caused many people to turn to weight loss drugs as a way to avoid these negative consequences. Tragically, many of these drugs are dangerous and have potential side effects that are worse than the condition for which people were taking them. Many weight loss drugs have harmful side effects, and some have even led to fatalities.

If you have been harmed by a weight loss drug, you may be able to seek compensation for the damages you have suffered. A Kentucky weight loss drug lawyer can review your case during a free consultation and advise you of your legal rights and options. Contact us today to learn more.

Risks and Dangers of Weight Loss Drugs

Kentucky weight loss drug lawyer

Many diet drugs are marketed as miracle drugs that can help you lose weight with much less effort than diet or exercise. However, after people began taking these drugs, they often experienced negative side effects that no one warned them about, including severe weight loss or gain that was bad for their health. In some cases, it took decades before the connection between the harmful effects and the drugs were known.

Federal law defines dietary supplements as “products taken by mouth that contain a dietary ingredient.” Under this definition, these substances can be pills, vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, or other substances that are ingested. Dietary supplements are classified as food and regulated by the federal Food and Drug Administration. The dangers of these drugs are so profound that Kentucky has a law against trafficking dietary supplements. A first offense is a Class A misdemeanor while a second or subsequent offense is a Class D felony.

Serious Medical Conditions to which Diet Drugs Have Been Linked

The New England Journal of Medicine first connected diet drugs with the condition of cardiac valvular disease in 1997. It showed that a significant number of people who took a particular diet drug developed this disease. Other serious side effects and medical conditions that diet drugs have been linked to include:

  • Heart disease
  • Primary pulmonary hypertension
  • Cardiac fibrosis
  • Organ damage
  • Clotting disorders
  • Vomiting and digestive distress
  • Cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • Skin conditions
  • Loss of appetite or nausea
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts

If you or a loved one has suffered any of these negative outcomes after taking a diet drug, reach out to an experienced dangerous drug attorney. Our experienced legal team provides a free consultation to review your case and discuss your legal options.

Dangerous Drugs to Watch Out For

Weight loss drug lawyer in Kentucky

There are many weight loss drugs and supplements on the market today. Our law firm is currently taking cases involving the following brands of weight loss drugs:

  • Ozempic
  • Wegovy
  • Rybelsus
  • Mounjaro
  • Trulicity
  • Zepbound

Potential Grounds to File a Weight Loss Drug Case

Medications should be safe to use and not cause further harm to a patient. Drug manufacturers have a legal duty to ensure the products they place in the marketplace for consumer purchase are safe and that they properly disclose known side effects. When a drug company fails to uphold these legal duties, they may be financially and legally responsible for the harm their products cause.

Product defect cases, including those involving dangerous drugs, usually fall into one of the following categories:

Manufacturing Defect

A manufacturing defect occurs when a drug company experiences a problem with a batch of drugs. The problem is associated with only a portion of the drugs. For example, the drugs could have been stored in an environment that was too hot, causing the particles in the drugs to break down. When a pharmaceutical company negligently manufactures a drug, your health could be severely impacted.

Design Defect

A design defect occurs when a product does not work safely as expected or advertised. If you take a drug that was not designed properly, the results on your health can be severe.

Warning Defect

Many drugs have side effects. Pharmaceutical companies may even be aware of these side effects because they observed them during testing. However, some pharmaceutical companies prioritize profits over patient safety, so they conceal or fail to disclose these side effects to consumers. Drug manufacturers are obligated to warn potential consumers of these side effects so that a consumer can weigh the risks and benefits of taking the drug. When they fail to provide this necessary information, they can harm consumers.

If you were harmed after taking a dangerous drug, you may be entitled to file a claim for financial compensation. An experienced attorney can review your case and explain the grounds that apply to it.

Damages You Can Recover in a Weight Loss Drug Lawsuit

If you can prove that a dangerous drug injured you, you may be entitled to recover compensation for the damages you suffered. This could include money for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

An experienced Kentucky dangerous drugs lawyer can review your case and explain the damages to which you may be entitled.

Do I Qualify for a Weight Loss Drug Case?

You may be eligible to file a weight loss drug case if you meet certain criteria, including:

  • You started taking the weight loss drug before you were 75 years old.
  • You took a name-brand product, such as Ozempic, Wegory, or Mounjay.
  • You were sent to the emergency room or admitted to the hospital for vomiting.
  • You were diagnosed with a serious medical condition, such as gastroparesis, gastric stasis, stomach paralysis, or gastric obstruction within 30 days of quitting.
  • You have suffered serious medical consequences, such as having your gallbladder removed, suffering severe or permanent gastrointestinal injuries, having intraoperative pulmonary aspiration, having ileus or bowel obstruction, being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, or attempting suicide because of the conditions you suffered.

If you have questions about your eligibility for a weight loss drug case or would like more information on the next steps, reach out to an experienced a Kentucky weight loss drug lawyer today.

Contact Us for a Free Case Review to Learn More About Your Legal Options

If a dangerous weight loss drug harmed you, seek legal help from a Kentucky weight loss drug attorney immediately. You have a limited time to file your claim and protect your rights. Contact us today to learn more.