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Lexington Automatic Door Injury Lawyer

Sustaining an injury caused by an automatic door, whether in a building or as part of an elevator, can result in significant injuries. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we are here to help if you need a Kentucky automatic door lawyer by your side. We understand the complexities involved with these claims, and we have no problem standing up to property owners or insurance carriers to recover the compensation you need.

Why Turn to Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C.?

  • At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., our team has extensive experience handling a wide range of types of injuries, including those that you may not think about often.
  • We have a track record of success handling injury claims throughout Kentucky, and we are confident that we can get your automatic door claim moving in the right direction.
  • Our team of Lexington injury attorneys handles automatic door injury claims in Kentucky on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will never have to worry about paying a legal fee until we successfully recover compensation for your losses.

Understanding How Automatic Door Injuries Occur

Automatic doors exist in many places. This includes the sliding doors you see at department stores and on elevators, as well as spinning automatic doors located in the front of many office buildings. Even though automatic doors are designed to ease the entrance and exit for patrons, there are times when these doors malfunction and cause serious injuries.

Some of the most common automatic door injuries are caused by:

  • The doors closing too quickly onto a person’s body
  • Doors that swing open into a person’s pathway
  • Doors that do not stop their motion and reverse upon meeting resistance
  • The door sensors that do not register a person on or in a threshold
  • Individuals getting caught in between moving parts of a door
  • Sharp edges on doors slamming into a person

Automatic door incidents can lead to a range of injuries, including lacerations, puncture wounds, broken or dislocated bones, and even amputations in severe instances.

Types of Compensation Available

Individuals who sustained injuries as a result of automatic door injuries may be able to file a lawsuit against the property owner or the maintenance crew responsible for the door. Our team works diligently to recover various types of compensation for individuals harmed by automatic doors, including economic and non-economic damages. Some of the most common types of losses that we strive to recover for our clients include:

  • Coverage of all medical bills related to the door injury
  • Lost wages if a victim cannot work while recovering
  • Physical pain and suffering damages
  • Emotional and psychological pain and suffering damages

There is no set amount of compensation available for these claims, but our team will work diligently to recover maximum compensation from an insurance carrier or as a result of a premises liability lawsuit in civil court against a property owner.

Call an Automatic Door Injury Lawyer Today

If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by an automatic door, you need to reach out to an attorney immediately. At Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., we pledge to fully investigate every aspect of your claim in order to help you recover compensation for your losses. When you need a Kentucky automatic door injury lawyer, you can contact us for a free personal injury consultation by filling out our contact form or calling us at the number listed on this page.