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Lexington Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer

After being involved in a serious accident or experiencing severe damage to your home during a hurricane or other extreme weather event, you are relying on your insurance to help cover some of the costs. After all, when you file a claim with the insurance company, you expect them to compensate you based on the terms of your policy.

Unfortunately, far too many insurance companies attempt to shirk their responsibilities in an attempt to further their financial goals without regard to the trauma or losses that victims and claimants have experienced, according to Lexington Insurance bad faith attorneys.

A respected Lexington insurance bad faith lawyer from The Law Offices of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. may be able to help you hold the insurance company accountable for their financial responsibilities. You do not have to let the insurance company take advantage of some of the most challenging times in your life.

Contact our Lexington injury attorneys today to learn more about the insurance company’s obligations, what it means to handle a claim in bad faith, and the types of damages you could recover if your claim is successful.

Lexington Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer

Examples of Handling an Insurance Claim in Bad Faith in Lexington

Insurance companies have a legal obligation to follow the terms described in your insurance policy. Unfortunately, insurance companies lose money when they pay out on claims, which means they have entire teams whose sole focus is to reduce the amount they have to pay out to claimants like you.

Although you might have hoped to avoid going to court, when you are negotiating with an insurance company that has handled your claim in bad faith, it may be more difficult to access the financial compensation and benefits you are entitled to.

Not only is an insurance provider acting in bad faith immoral and unconscionable, but it also violates KY Rev. Stat. Ann. ยง 304.12-230. While it is unlikely that the insurance adjuster is going to be overly rude, inconsiderate, or outwardly blame you for causing the accident, they may employ other tactics to avoid financial liability. Some of the most common ways insurance companies handle claims in bad faith include:

  • Misrepresenting the policy terms
  • Refusing to investigate the claim
  • Delaying the payout on your settlement
  • Denying coverage for medically-necessary procedures
  • Refusing to settle the claim within policy limits
  • Refusing to return your phone calls or communication attempts

These are just a few examples of ways that insurance companies may take advantage of you during some of the most difficult times in your life. However, when you have your Lexington insurance bad faith lawyer negotiating with the insurer on your behalf, you can safeguard your settlement and show the insurance company how seriously you are taking your claim.

Whether it’s a car accident and our Lexington car accident attorneys have to take a look at the insurance claim, or a property damage case, our legal team is here to help.

Consult a Respected Insurance Bad Faith Lawyer in Lexington for Help Today

Having to take legal action when insurance companies are not upholding their responsibilities can be more than a little frustrating. As if you have not already been through enough, now the insurance company is trying to avoid compensating you for the insurance coverage you have paid for when you need it most. Fortunately, you do not have to let the insurance company get away with it.

We can show them how seriously you are taking your claim when you contact a top-rated Lexington insurance bad faith attorney from The Law Offices of Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C. Our firm proudly provides 100% free consultations to claimants who believe they are being mistreated or taken advantage of by profit-motivated insurance providers. Claim yours as soon as today by filling out our convenient contact form or calling our office at (800) 337-4002 to get started. Get a free consultation with us.