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Pikeville Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

When drivers in Kentucky have had too much to drink, alternative transportation options are available including public transportation, taxicabs, car services, and rideshares such as Uber and Lyft. Safe rides home have never been more accessible, which makes it unfathomable that drunk driving is still a major problem in Pikeville and across the state.

Unfortunately, because drunk driving is still a major problem, innocent victims are still being injured in drunk driving accidents as well. If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident, contact a Pikeville drunk driving accident attorney at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to discuss your injuries and financial recovery options.

Pikeville Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

  • With over four decades of personal injury representation, our law firm has collected millions of dollars in settlements and trial awards for our injured clients.
  • Our compassionate and aggressive attorneys are fierce advocates for those who have been injured by drunk drivers and they will fight to make sure that responsible parties are held accountable for the losses you and your family have sustained.
  • When accident injuries are serious, sometimes the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage is not enough to fully compensate the injured victim. In an effort to maximize client compensation, our Pikeville personal injury attorneys will look to others who may also be liable for your accident.

Responsible Parties

Depending on the circumstances of your case, there may be several parties who are responsible for your accident injuries and damages.

  • The drunk driver is typically primarily responsible for accident injuries and damages.
  • The distributor or retailer licensed to serve alcohol may be liable under Kentucky law when the alcohol provider knew or should have known that the person they served was already intoxicated.
  • In some cases, adults who have provided alcohol to minors may be liable for subsequent drunk driving accidents.

In general, social host liability does not exist under Kentucky state laws. This means that most often, recovery will be limited to the drunk driver and negligent licensed alcohol providers, however, depending on local ordinances, there may be additional parties under limited circumstances. Some counties in Kentucky have passed ordinances providing that adults who serve alcohol to minors or permit alcohol consumption by minors at their home may be liable when minors subsequently cause an accident.

Compensation Including Wrongful Death And Punitive Damages

Drunk driving has serious consequences and depending on the accident circumstances, injured victims may be entitled to recover for property damage, medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and pain and suffering. Punitive damages may also be awarded in drunk driving accident cases in order to punish the defendant and deter future drunk driving. In fatal injury cases, wrongful death claims and survival actions may be available to benefit the deceased’s close family members and the estate.

Contact a Pikeville Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, contact a Pikeville drunk driving accident attorney at Gary C. Johnson, P.S.C., to schedule a free personal injury consultation. Our attorneys will go over your claim, injuries and damages, and available recovery options. They will also help to make sure that you and your family receive the care and resources that you need to begin the healing process.